Whow we are ?

A little about us

At the heart of good health is good nutrition. At Abeer Vegetable Oil, our mission is to help you live a smarter, healthier life by helping you make smarter choices. A nutritious meal cooked with the right ingredients is the source of greater health and happiness not just for you and your family, but for the whole community. Eating healthier at home starts with the ingredients you use and the preparation method you choose.
For over 30 years, our top-quality cooking oils, ghee, margarines, specialty fats, butter and mayonnaise have been delivering delicious flavors and textures and when used in moderation, are the perfect 

Abeer Oil product is a new variant of cooking oil range called Abeer . It is a scientific blend of Sunflower oil and Palmolein and is enriched with vitamins A & D making it one for the healthier choices in this category. Cholesterol-free, None Hydrogenated, Zero Trans-fat. It has a buttery, nutty taste that is somewhat milder than that of traditional ghee, it is completely vegan.

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One of the most important features Vegetable Ghees must have

The trans fats found in partially hydrogenated fats raise your LDL cholesterol levels (the bad kind) and lower your HDL cholesterol levels (the good kind) at the same time. So eating trans fats raises your risk of developing heart disease and stroke. It’s also linked to developing type 2 diabetes.


  For a vegan chef, the most important quality of any item of food, including oil, is whether or not it is vegan friendly, Vegetable Ghee is 100% vegan, very healthy, has lower food miles than many oils and works in just about any dish you might care to use it. Sounds good to us!